Sunday, October 30

2011: Week 43

Oct 24
Can you see the pumpkin that isn't quite like the others?

Oct 25
Wearing her Fallen Warriors sweatshirt in memory of the four boys who died from her school.

Oct 26
After at least a year, we found some sensitive bubble bath Youngest could tolerate.
She had three bubble baths in one week!

Oct 27
I love Formica samples.  Are you wondering which sample is the one used in the basement?
Top grey for craft area and bottom white spider web for laundry room. 
The middle grey one is a replica of our original 50's kitchen countertop upstairs.

Oct 28
I'm starting to save boxes again.  It's almost Christmas after all and I might need them for gifts.

Oct 29
The big football game.
The Warriors won!

Oct 30
A halloween piano recital.
She played a Witches Waltz.
as a Cirque de Soleil bird.


Serendipityissweet said...

I adore that first shot! So creative and fun!! What a beautiful family you have. I've been checking out your posts. I'm in love with your wit and perspective. You take great photos!!!

Lil said...

I love the colors and sharpness of the pumpkin pic!

Thanks for hopping on over to my blog! I really appreciate it. Yknow. I am beginning to prefer my 105mm over my zoom lens and I never EVER thought that would happen. Now, I've got that nifty fifty on my mind and it's hard to not think about it. I think I'll get it--- my Christmas will be doubly good! Hubby paid for the 105mm and I'll pay for the 50mm. hehehehe~

Carly said...

I love the pumpkin family picture!